
Alchemic Kitchen is an action-based project that works to address food access and injustice in the Northwest.

We believe everyone should have access to fresh local produce, however this is not always the case. Our place-based projects work to create a more fair and equitable food system through environmentally sustainable projects.

Currently working in Knowsley, Alchemic Kitchen aims to create a system change in the local food economy and use replicable models that support people to eat a healthy, fresh. and environmentally sustainable diet.

Our work is sustainable and regenerative, meaning we work to change the social, environmental, and economic context for local communities by working with local people through the lens of food.

Alchemic Kitchen is part of Feedback, a national charity working to regenerate nature by transforming our food system. Feedback’s campaigns include tackling the scandal of over 10 million tonnes of food wasted every year in the UK. Click here to find out more about Feedback: Feeding People, Backing the Planet.

Our Story

Alchemic Kitchen started in 2018 as a delivery project of Feedback. We began as a development kitchen making jams, chutneys, and ketchups from surplus food waste. The kitchen demonstrated how to create a socially, economically, and environmentally regenerative model that taught people the skills to create a secondary market/ circular economy from waste food.

In 2020 the national lockdowns further exacerbated the systemic injustices experienced by people across Britain, as isolated people living in food deserts had little or no access to food. At this time, we began working with local community partners to delivery emergency food provision to people across Knowsley. This process led us to change our focus from working with surplus food to working even closer to the community across three key areas: access, education, advocacy.