Spanish(ish) Omelette
Chopped up cooked potatoes are great to add to dishes, cook them when your oven is on anyway.
- 6 eggs
- 1/2 an onion (or leek or spring onions)
- Oil
- 200g mixed vegetables (frozen or cooked peas, broccoli, peppers, carrots, green beans. Your choice!
- 150g cooked potatoes (sliced)
- Ham or bacon (optional or to use up leftovers)
- Cheese grated (optional)

Start by thinly slicing your onion or leek or spring onions, and heat 1 tbsp of oil in a frying pan, ideally one which can go in the oven or under the grill.
Cook the onions on a low heat until they are translucent – this always takes a bit longer than you think, adding a pinch of salt will help them stay light and juicy. Allow a good ten minutes. Worth it.
If you have other uncooked veg at this point – such as peppers or carrots – this is the time to add them. Also, the frozen peas if using. Cook for another 5 minutes or so.
Beat eggs together and add seasoning – we like to use pepper, paprika and a pinch of oregano.
Layer the potatoes and cooked leftover vegetables that you are using in the same pan as the onions and other veg. If using ham or bacon, add this now. Give it a gentle stir to mix everything together, then pour in the eggs.
Cook gently for 10 to 12 minutes until the eggs have set.
If using cheese, grate over the top and pop the whole pan under the grill (DO NOT do this if the handle is plastic) and let the cheese melt and the top brown.
Set aside to cool slightly before slicing into quarters.
This also freezes well. Wrap in foil and defrost within a month.