Stir Fry Rice
Don't bin leftover rice, but DO spread it out on a plate to cool as fast as possible and pop it in your fridge and use the next day.
- Rice (cooked, leftovers are perfect)
- Selection of veggies (e.g. leeks, onions, garlic, carrots, peppers or mushrooms)
- An egg (beaten)
- Soy sauce (a shake or two)
- 1 tsp of oil

Make a simple stir fry by heating a tsp of oil in a shallow frying pan, add your selection of veggies and cook before adding in the rice. Stir well to ensure the rice gets piping hot.
Beat an egg in a cup, then pour into the pan with a shake or two of soy sauce. Keep stirring until the egg and veggie rice are well combined and cooked. Eat with chilli sauce.
Another option is to stir a tbsp or two of pesto through the leftover rice as it cools. Add some chopped tomatoes, spring onions, cubes of feta or olives and you have a lovely salad for lunch the next day.
Always cool the rice as quickly as possible and put it in the fridge.